Accessibility Camps are participant-driven events about web and software accessibility (A11y), with presentations, demos and interaction by and for A11yCamp participants. Focusing on users with different disabilities, sessions covered digital accessibility topics from the web (technical to tactical), desktop software, assistive technology, hacking, education, elections, and everything in between.
BuzzJS is a One Day | One Track NYC conference series focused on JavaScript libraries, frameworks & related technologies, showcasing its proliferation. 300 JavaScript developers from the Tri-State area gather in the state-of-the-art Microsoft Technology center in Times Square to learn the latest in Web Technologies from experts in the field.
Produced by
Annual event in Eindhoven in The Netherlands.
T-DOSE. T-DOSE (Technical Dutch Open Source Event) is a free and yearly event held in The Netherlands to promote use and development of Open Source Software. During this event Open Source projects, developers and visitors can exchange ideas and knowledge.