Postgres Open 2015

Postgres Open 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-09-16
  • End date: 2015-09-18
  • Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: postgresql


Twitter: @postgresopen

Hashtag: #postgresopen


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A TARDIS for your ORM

A TARDIS for your ORM

All The Dirt On Vacuum - Jim Nasby

All The Dirt On Vacuum - Jim Nasby

All The Dirt On Vacuum

All The Dirt On Vacuum

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Audit Logging For PostgreSQL

Audit Logging For PostgreSQL

BDR From the Perspective of a QA Engineer

BDR From the Perspective of a QA Engineer

Becoming a SQL Guru

Becoming a SQL Guru

Closing Session

Closing Session

Database Hardware Selection Guidelines

Database Hardware Selection Guidelines

Don't Forget The Elephant

Don't Forget The Elephant

Easy Statistical Analysis

Easy Statistical Analysis

Explain Explained

Explain Explained

Improving Postgres' Concurrency

Improving Postgres' Concurrency



Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks

Logical Decoding

Logical Decoding

Measurements, scales and encoding schemes

Measurements, scales and encoding schemes

Monitoring PostgreSQL

Monitoring PostgreSQL

Pacemaker And PostgreSQL

Pacemaker And PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Administration

PostgreSQL Administration

PostgreSQL And Amazon RDS

PostgreSQL And Amazon RDS

PostgreSQL Containers At Scale

PostgreSQL Containers At Scale

PostgreSQL Federation

PostgreSQL Federation

PostgreSQL In Critical Messaging

PostgreSQL In Critical Messaging

PostgreSQL In PaxosLand

PostgreSQL In PaxosLand

PostgreSQL Performance Benchmarking

PostgreSQL Performance Benchmarking

PostgreSQL Scalability

PostgreSQL Scalability

PostgreSQL Service At Scale

PostgreSQL Service At Scale

Searching Text With PostgreSQL

Searching Text With PostgreSQL

Securing Your Database in Amazon RDS

Securing Your Database in Amazon RDS

SQL Metacode System

SQL Metacode System

Streaming SQL With PipelineDB

Streaming SQL With PipelineDB

The Bones of Highly Available Postgres

The Bones of Highly Available Postgres

UPSERT Use Cases

UPSERT Use Cases

Using Postgres XL

Using Postgres XL

WAL, standbys and Postgres 9.5

WAL, standbys and Postgres 9.5

Welcome - Stephen Frost

Welcome - Stephen Frost



Welcome to Postgres!

Welcome to Postgres!

What's new in PostgreSQL 9.5

What's new in PostgreSQL 9.5
