Nodevember 2016

Nodevember 2016

Event information

  • Start date: 2016-11-20
  • End date: 2016-11-21
  • Location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: nodejs javascript


Twitter: @nodevember

Hashtag: #nodevember


Tweet this event


12 Reasons I Still Choose Ember.js

12 Reasons I Still Choose Ember.js

Arts and Sciences: Programming Music on the Web

Arts and Sciences: Programming Music on the Web

Beyond The Tab: Executing JavaScript Across Browser Contexts

Beyond The Tab: Executing JavaScript Across Browser Contexts

Building Bots with Node.js on Microsoft Bot Framework

Building Bots with Node.js on Microsoft Bot Framework

Choosing the Right API Architecture

Choosing the Right API Architecture

Definitely not a boring talk about memory

Definitely not a boring talk about memory

Docker for Devs: Why you should care about containers!

Docker for Devs: Why you should care about containers!

Dockerized Node Application Pipeline. Docker/Drone/Rancher Oh My!

Dockerized Node Application Pipeline. Docker/Drone/Rancher Oh My!

Dr Iterate or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Higher-Order Functions

Dr Iterate or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Higher-Order Functions

Exploring TypeScript

Exploring TypeScript

Fizz buzzkill - Answering tricky JS interview questions

Fizz buzzkill - Answering tricky JS interview questions

From community manager to developer — my path to becoming an engineer.

From community manager to developer — my path to becoming an engineer.

Fun and games with node.js!

Fun and games with node.js!

Generating a new async workflow... with generators!

Generating a new async workflow... with generators!

Get started with ClojureScript  and Reagent!

Get started with ClojureScript and Reagent!

Graph Databases Will Change Your Freakin Life

Graph Databases Will Change Your Freakin Life

How to avoid JavaScript fatigue and sleep well at night

How to avoid JavaScript fatigue and sleep well at night

Immutable Apps

Immutable Apps

Innovating is not about technology, but psychology.

Innovating is not about technology, but psychology.

Introduction to React Router

Introduction to React Router

JavaScript Security: What You Need to Know to Write Secure Applications in JS

JavaScript Security: What You Need to Know to Write Secure Applications in JS

Jumpstarting Selenium Testing in Your Organization with Javascript, WebdriverIO & Cucumber

Jumpstarting Selenium Testing in Your Organization with Javascript, WebdriverIO & Cucumber

Lessons learned prototyping a wearable for rock climbers with Node

Lessons learned prototyping a wearable for rock climbers with Node

Losant IoT Harwdware Workshop

Losant IoT Harwdware Workshop

Microservices! Containers! Node.js!

Microservices! Containers! Node.js!

Now & Next

Now & Next

npm run build

npm run build

Personal Open Source in the age of JavaScript fatigue

Personal Open Source in the age of JavaScript fatigue

Premature Optimization: Building in Scaling The Right Way Before You Scale

Premature Optimization: Building in Scaling The Right Way Before You Scale

Promises are terrible; start using them!

Promises are terrible; start using them!

Public Speaking without Barfing on Your Shoes

Public Speaking without Barfing on Your Shoes

Rapidly Iterating on Microservices using Docker, Kubernetes, and Node.js

Rapidly Iterating on Microservices using Docker, Kubernetes, and Node.js

React Native for Fun and Profit

React Native for Fun and Profit

Reasonable JavaScript

Reasonable JavaScript

Responding to a Third Dimension!

Responding to a Third Dimension!

Search-First Writing for Developers

Search-First Writing for Developers

Smarter & Cuter Bots

Smarter & Cuter Bots

Staying Sane (dot) JS

Staying Sane (dot) JS

textarea distributed

textarea distributed

The Accidental Noder

The Accidental Noder

The Javascript Starter Kit Manifesto

The Javascript Starter Kit Manifesto

The story of redux-logic, a new approach to organizing business logic with Redux

The story of redux-logic, a new approach to organizing business logic with Redux

This Is NativeScript

This Is NativeScript

Tracing Asynchronous Operations with Node's AsyncWrap API

Tracing Asynchronous Operations with Node's AsyncWrap API

Universal Apps: Lessons from the trenches

Universal Apps: Lessons from the trenches

@WalmartLab’s Migrated to React and Nodejs in Less Than a Year

@WalmartLab’s Migrated to React and Nodejs in Less Than a Year

Why We Do What We Do

Why We Do What We Do
