YAPC::Europe 2016

YAPC::Europe 2016

Event information

  • Start date: 2016-08-24
  • End date: 2016-08-26
  • Location: Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: perl


Twitter: @yapceu

Hashtag: #yapceu

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First months as a new Perl developer

First months as a new Perl developer

From Debian, with ♥

From Debian, with ♥

Running Perl 6 in a SailfishOS phone

Running Perl 6 in a SailfishOS phone

The neuroscience beyond the usability

The neuroscience beyond the usability

Bots for Telegram

Bots for Telegram

Perl, Bioinformatics and the Ensembl Project

Perl, Bioinformatics and the Ensembl Project

Low level details for high level developers

Low level details for high level developers

Writing XS in plain C

Writing XS in plain C

Karel, Educational programming language

Karel, Educational programming language

A tale of a Perl start-up

A tale of a Perl start-up

Keynote Day 1

Keynote Day 1

When you don't want Agile

When you don't want Agile

Errors Free Programming

Errors Free Programming

Resque to the resque!

Resque to the resque!

Incepti0n in Perl 6 Design your own language

Incepti0n in Perl 6 Design your own language

Ten Things you Need to Know About Perl 6

Ten Things you Need to Know About Perl 6

BDD webapp testing with Pherkin+Weasel perl's Behat+Mink

BDD webapp testing with Pherkin+Weasel perl's Behat+Mink

Finding dead code with DevelQuickCover

Finding dead code with DevelQuickCover

CSV with flexible headers perl5 & perl6

CSV with flexible headers perl5 & perl6

Experience of Perl development for Raspberry PI

Experience of Perl development for Raspberry PI

Is Javascript Perl

Is Javascript Perl

Why you should do centralized monitoring, logging and how we do it in Avast in Perl

Why you should do centralized monitoring, logging and how we do it in Avast in Perl

Fraudulent Perl

Fraudulent Perl

Quantifying creativity using Perl to analyze the process of writing

Quantifying creativity using Perl to analyze the process of writing

Making your web application work for everyone

Making your web application work for everyone

Ballistic Programming as a Bootstrap

Ballistic Programming as a Bootstrap

Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers

Vulnerability discovery, response and remediation for developers

Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application

Building the Modern Perl Catalyst Application

Perl Catalyst Design Pattern Deep Dive

Perl Catalyst Design Pattern Deep Dive

How AWS REST APIs work, and how Paws is built

How AWS REST APIs work, and how Paws is built

Why I joined to CPAN PRC and why I keep on it

Why I joined to CPAN PRC and why I keep on it



Strange Consistency, Keynote Day 3

Strange Consistency, Keynote Day 3

Studying Geneva real estate prices using Perl grammars

Studying Geneva real estate prices using Perl grammars

A few git bits

A few git bits

Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class

Battling a Legacy Schema with DBIx::Class

Mocking APIs for Emulation Driven Development

Mocking APIs for Emulation Driven Development

‎Lightning Talks Day 3 (R Geoffrey Avery)‎ & YAPC Europe 2016 Closing Notes

‎Lightning Talks Day 3 (R Geoffrey Avery)‎ & YAPC Europe 2016 Closing Notes

Length: 01:34:30
Views: 71 Likes: 2
From 5 12 to 5 24 Upgrading a business application

From 5 12 to 5 24 Upgrading a business application

Amusewiki - a year of development

Amusewiki - a year of development

A decade of dubious decisions

A decade of dubious decisions

The raptor and the butterfly

The raptor and the butterfly

A local search engine using Elasticsearch and Dancer

A local search engine using Elasticsearch and Dancer



Velociraptor in a Modern World

Velociraptor in a Modern World

Symbiosis of Docker and Perl

Symbiosis of Docker and Perl

Using Perl in Monitoring IPTV streams

Using Perl in Monitoring IPTV streams

The non butterfly effect, a universe where Camelia didn't flap her wings

The non butterfly effect, a universe where Camelia didn't flap her wings

Starting up with Perl 6

Starting up with Perl 6

The Metabrik Platform Rapid Development of Reusable Security Tools

The Metabrik Platform Rapid Development of Reusable Security Tools

YAPC Europe 2016 - Day 2, Main Room

YAPC Europe 2016 - Day 2, Main Room

Length: 10:24:02
Views: 565 Likes: 7
Index optimization from B tree to ICP

Index optimization from B tree to ICP

Jenkins 101, Getting started

Jenkins 101, Getting started

R Geoffrey Avery: Lightning Talks Day 1 - YAPC::Europe 2016

R Geoffrey Avery: Lightning Talks Day 1 - YAPC::Europe 2016

Length: 01:06:22
Views: 31 Likes: 0
Rx – A cross language scalable & extendable code & db obfuscator

Rx – A cross language scalable & extendable code & db obfuscator

10 years of Maplat framework

10 years of Maplat framework

How's the Perl Jobs market

How's the Perl Jobs market

Emacs as Perl IDE

Emacs as Perl IDE

Extending Syntax Signatures, Operators and Compound Statements

Extending Syntax Signatures, Operators and Compound Statements

Keynote Day 2, The State of the Velociraptor

Keynote Day 2, The State of the Velociraptor

RefUtil more than you ever wanted to know about ref()

RefUtil more than you ever wanted to know about ref()

Perl 5 24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance

Perl 5 24 and the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance

XS accessors under the hood

XS accessors under the hood

Documenting Code Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Documenting Code Patterns and Anti-Patterns

No Act on ACT

No Act on ACT

Go for Perl Programmers

Go for Perl Programmers

A Quick Tour of Swift for Perl Programmers

A Quick Tour of Swift for Perl Programmers

Making the 'First Hard Thing' easy

Making the 'First Hard Thing' easy

9 PostgreSQL features I wish I learned earlier

9 PostgreSQL features I wish I learned earlier

How to write an API endpoint in 2016

How to write an API endpoint in 2016

Why you want to use SwaggerOpenAPI for your REST API

Why you want to use SwaggerOpenAPI for your REST API

Writing command line tools made easy

Writing command line tools made easy

Better Code Review?

Better Code Review?

HTML::FormHandler Web Forms and More

HTML::FormHandler Web Forms and More

Writing Perl extensions in Rust

Writing Perl extensions in Rust

Welcome to YAPC::Europe 2016: Amalia Pomian, Mihai Pop

Welcome to YAPC::Europe 2016: Amalia Pomian, Mihai Pop

Length: 10:38
Views: 20 Likes: 0
YAPC Europe 2016 Cluj Napoca - The Aftermovie

YAPC Europe 2016 Cluj Napoca - The Aftermovie

Length: 02:59
Views: 798 Likes: 30
YAPC Europe 2016 - Day 3, Main Room

YAPC Europe 2016 - Day 3, Main Room

Length: 10:51:15
Views: 609 Likes: 8