Postgres Open 2014

Postgres Open 2014

Event information

  • Start date: 2014-09-17
  • End date: 2014-09-19
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: postgresql


Twitter: @postgresopen

Hashtag: #postgresopen


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A Quantitive Look at Partitions

A Quantitive Look at Partitions

Automated Performance Testing of Postgres

Automated Performance Testing of Postgres

Collectd and Graphite: Monitoring PostgreSQL w/Style

Collectd and Graphite: Monitoring PostgreSQL w/Style

Columnar Store for PostgreSQL

Columnar Store for PostgreSQL

Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer

Explaining the Postgres Query Optimizer

Frictionless Data Science w/Python

Frictionless Data Science w/Python

Heavy Duty Backup w/PgBackRest

Heavy Duty Backup w/PgBackRest

Holistic Database Application Tuning

Holistic Database Application Tuning

How Databases Work - For Developers, Accidental DBA's and Managers

How Databases Work - For Developers, Accidental DBA's and Managers

Immutable Data in Postgres

Immutable Data in Postgres

Migrating Away from MySQL for an awesome full text search

Migrating Away from MySQL for an awesome full text search

On Beyond Data Types

On Beyond Data Types

PoastgreSQL Auditing, Authentication, and Security

PoastgreSQL Auditing, Authentication, and Security

Postgres in Amazon RDS

Postgres in Amazon RDS

Postgres on OpenStack

Postgres on OpenStack

PostgreSQL and Java: Best Practices

PostgreSQL and Java: Best Practices

PostgreSQL for Developers

PostgreSQL for Developers

PostgreSQL Scale-Out at inMobi

PostgreSQL Scale-Out at inMobi

Row-Estimation Revelation and the Monolithic Query Syndrome

Row-Estimation Revelation and the Monolithic Query Syndrome

Row Level Security

Row Level Security

Scalability, Consistency, Replication, Availability and Performance

Scalability, Consistency, Replication, Availability and Performance

So you're new to Postgres...

So you're new to Postgres...

Sponsor Keynote #2

Sponsor Keynote #2

Supersized Postgres: Postgres-XL for OLTP and Big Data Analytics

Supersized Postgres: Postgres-XL for OLTP and Big Data Analytics

Survival Analysis of Customer Retention using Postgres, SQL and R

Survival Analysis of Customer Retention using Postgres, SQL and R

Tales from the Postgres Front, and What We Can Learn

Tales from the Postgres Front, and What We Can Learn

The NoSQL Way in PostgreSQL

The NoSQL Way in PostgreSQL

The Three Musketeers (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)

The Three Musketeers (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting)

Understanding Logical Decoding and Replication

Understanding Logical Decoding and Replication

Use PostgreSQL, not Rails, to make Rails Faster!

Use PostgreSQL, not Rails, to make Rails Faster!

What's New in PostgreSQL 9.4

What's New in PostgreSQL 9.4

Who's the Fairest of Them All? Postgres Interface Performance

Who's the Fairest of Them All? Postgres Interface Performance
