T-DOSE 2008

T-DOSE 2008

Event information

  • Start date: 2008-10-25
  • End date: 2008-10-26
  • Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: opensource


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CentOS and the Enterprise Linux market (Dutch)

CentOS and the Enterprise Linux market (Dutch)

Dangers of DRM and software patents

Dangers of DRM and software patents

Giving presentations with your wiimote

Giving presentations with your wiimote

GPLv3 compliance

GPLv3 compliance

MathDox, Interactive Mathematical Documents on the Web

MathDox, Interactive Mathematical Documents on the Web

mrepo - Mirroring and building RPM repositories (Dutch)

mrepo - Mirroring and building RPM repositories (Dutch)

MyOwnDb, introduction

MyOwnDb, introduction

Open Source BI Solutions with Pentaho and MySQL

Open Source BI Solutions with Pentaho and MySQL

Proxytunnel - Punching holes through the corporate firewall

Proxytunnel - Punching holes through the corporate firewall

The first computer & programmers in the Netherlands

The first computer & programmers in the Netherlands

The VideoLAN project, VLC media player

The VideoLAN project, VLC media player

Usability Improvements in Drupal 6 and Beyond

Usability Improvements in Drupal 6 and Beyond
