Nodevember 2014

Nodevember 2014

Event information

  • Start date: 2014-11-15
  • End date: 2014-11-16
  • Location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: nodejs javascript


Twitter: @nodevember

Hashtag: #nodevember


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0 to Nodebots in 45 minutes

0 to Nodebots in 45 minutes

0 to Nodebots in 45 minutes

0 to Nodebots in 45 minutes

Add Some Real-Time To Your App With Socket.IO.

Add Some Real-Time To Your App With Socket.IO.

As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of DOM.

As I Walk Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of DOM.

Building A #BADA55 NodeJS Dev Environment.

Building A #BADA55 NodeJS Dev Environment.

Building Large Scalable Realtime Applications With Meteor

Building Large Scalable Realtime Applications With Meteor

Building modular and component driven architecture in Backbone.js and Marionette.js.

Building modular and component driven architecture in Backbone.js and Marionette.js.

Closing Keynote

Closing Keynote

Debugging, Profiling, Heap Dumping, Scaling and other fix-it techniques in Node.js

Debugging, Profiling, Heap Dumping, Scaling and other fix-it techniques in Node.js

Deploying a Scalable Node.js Application with Docker

Deploying a Scalable Node.js Application with Docker

Design for Retry: Microservices, REST, message busses and why idempotency is the only way to scale.

Design for Retry: Microservices, REST, message busses and why idempotency is the only way to scale.

Develop, Deploy, Monitor and Scale REST APIs Built in Node.js

Develop, Deploy, Monitor and Scale REST APIs Built in Node.js

Disassembling a Monolith with Node.js.

Disassembling a Monolith with Node.js.

ES6: The future is now.

ES6: The future is now.

ES6: The future is now.

ES6: The future is now.

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Node Authentication

Gonzo Game Dev

Gonzo Game Dev

Grunt-ify Your Front-End Development.

Grunt-ify Your Front-End Development.



Intro to Meteor.js

Intro to Meteor.js

Intro to Sails.js

Intro to Sails.js

jQuery to Ember: How to Make the Jump Without Falling

jQuery to Ember: How to Make the Jump Without Falling

Make Art, Not Apps.

Make Art, Not Apps.

Making JavaScript Games: From the Browser to the App Store.

Making JavaScript Games: From the Browser to the App Store.

Making Relational Cool Again.

Making Relational Cool Again.

Memory Profile for Mere Mortals.

Memory Profile for Mere Mortals.

Meteor and Reactive Programming

Meteor and Reactive Programming

Modern Device Features From The Web

Modern Device Features From The Web

Open Sourcing Mental Illness.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness.

Open Sourcing Mental Illness.

Opening Keynote

Opening Keynote

Painless Node.js Asset Management with Connect-Assets.

Painless Node.js Asset Management with Connect-Assets.

Production-ready Node Architecture

Production-ready Node Architecture

Promises in Javascript

Promises in Javascript

Ready for battle! - Hardening Node.js for the Enterprise.

Ready for battle! - Hardening Node.js for the Enterprise.

Real World React

Real World React

Runtime Funtimes

Runtime Funtimes

Stressed About NoSQL? Relax with CouchDB.

Stressed About NoSQL? Relax with CouchDB.

Supporting the Community: Helping to build Nashville's Thriving Dev Community

Supporting the Community: Helping to build Nashville's Thriving Dev Community

Taking the training wheels off - migrating from .NET to NodeJS

Taking the training wheels off - migrating from .NET to NodeJS

The engineering case for Node.

The engineering case for Node.

The MEAN Stack.

The MEAN Stack.

Undefined is Not a Function: What the Most Common Errors in JavaScript Actually Mean.

Undefined is Not a Function: What the Most Common Errors in JavaScript Actually Mean.

Use a Task Runner Already!

Use a Task Runner Already!

We Will All Be Game Programmers.

We Will All Be Game Programmers.
