Jenkins World 2016

Jenkins World 2016

Event information

  • Start date: 2016-09-14
  • End date: 2016-09-15
  • Location: Santa Clara, California, USA

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: jenkins testing continuous-integration


Twitter: @jenkinsconf

Hashtag: #jenkinsconf

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How to Run Selenium Load Testing as Part of Your CI Process

How to Run Selenium Load Testing as Part of Your CI Process

A Tale of Two (or Three) Jenkins Outages

A Tale of Two (or Three) Jenkins Outages

Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins

Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins

Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins

Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins

CI/CD with Jenkins and Ansible Tower

CI/CD with Jenkins and Ansible Tower

CloudBees Assurance Program and CloudBees Verified

CloudBees Assurance Program and CloudBees Verified

CloudBees: Investing in the Future of Jenkins

CloudBees: Investing in the Future of Jenkins

Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Keynote by Sacha Labourey

Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Keynote by Sacha Labourey

Cloudbees Keynote

Cloudbees Keynote

Continuous Build and Delivery Pipelines for Android

Continuous Build and Delivery Pipelines for Android

Continuous Delivery of Infrastructure with Jenkins

Continuous Delivery of Infrastructure with Jenkins

Continuous Delivery Pipeline - Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Continuous Delivery Pipeline - Patterns and Anti-Patterns

Continuous Delivery/DevOps in the Enterprise - Expert Panel

Continuous Delivery/DevOps in the Enterprise - Expert Panel

Continuous Performance Testing Feedback

Continuous Performance Testing Feedback

Continuous Testing

Continuous Testing

Continuously Deploying Containers with Jenkins Pipeline to Docker Swarm Cluster

Continuously Deploying Containers with Jenkins Pipeline to Docker Swarm Cluster

Deliver Software at the Speed of Ideas with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform

Deliver Software at the Speed of Ideas with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform

Democratize Your Knowledge with Knowledge as Code

Democratize Your Knowledge with Knowledge as Code

Directions for Pipeline

Directions for Pipeline

Docker Image Lifecycle Implemented with Jenkins Pipeline

Docker Image Lifecycle Implemented with Jenkins Pipeline

Dockerizing Your Jenkins Platform? Why It's Important

Dockerizing Your Jenkins Platform? Why It's Important

Enforcing Jenkins Best Practices

Enforcing Jenkins Best Practices

High Velocity iOS CI with Native OS X Virtualization Plugin

High Velocity iOS CI with Native OS X Virtualization Plugin

How a Centralized Structure Helps Achieve CI and CD

How a Centralized Structure Helps Achieve CI and CD

How to Build Nightly When There is No Night with Electronic Arts

How to Build Nightly When There is No Night with Electronic Arts

How to Do Continuous Delivery with Jenkins Pipeline, Docker and Kubernetes

How to Do Continuous Delivery with Jenkins Pipeline, Docker and Kubernetes

Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines

Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines

Jenkins World 2016 - Intuit's Road to Healthy and Secure Releases

Jenkins World 2016 - Intuit's Road to Healthy and Secure Releases

Is DevOps Bigger than Agile? What the Future Holds

Is DevOps Bigger than Agile? What the Future Holds

Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins

Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins

Jenkins Community Keynote

Jenkins Community Keynote

Jenkins for Smarter Operations

Jenkins for Smarter Operations

Jenkins Inside Google

Jenkins Inside Google

Jenkins & LSF Enables Rapid Delivery of Device Driver SW

Jenkins & LSF Enables Rapid Delivery of Device Driver SW

Jenkins World 2016 - JenkinsOps: An Initiative to Streamline and Automate Jenkins

Jenkins World 2016 - JenkinsOps: An Initiative to Streamline and Automate Jenkins

Keynote: Starting and Scaling DevOps

Keynote: Starting and Scaling DevOps

Continuously Delivering Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Continuously Delivering Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Jenkins Project. Google Summer of Code 2016 Results

Jenkins Project. Google Summer of Code 2016 Results

CD Pipelines as Code with Github and Bitbucket​

CD Pipelines as Code with Github and Bitbucket​

Supporting Jenkins with the Support Core Plugin​

Supporting Jenkins with the Support Core Plugin​

Verizon's Journey to Enterprise Grade DevOps

Verizon's Journey to Enterprise Grade DevOps

No, You Shouldn't Do That! Lessons from Using Pipeline

No, You Shouldn't Do That! Lessons from Using Pipeline

Operating CI/CD at Enterprise Scale with Private SaaS Edition

Operating CI/CD at Enterprise Scale with Private SaaS Edition

Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Performance Testing in Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Jenkins World 2016 - Pipelining DevOps with Jenkins and AWS

Jenkins World 2016 - Pipelining DevOps with Jenkins and AWS

Rule Jenkins with Configuration as Code

Rule Jenkins with Configuration as Code

Scaling Jenkins with Docker: Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos?

Scaling Jenkins with Docker: Swarm, Kubernetes or Mesos?

Secure Container Development Pipelines with Jenkins

Secure Container Development Pipelines with Jenkins

So, You Want to Build the World's Biggest Jenkins Cluster?

So, You Want to Build the World's Biggest Jenkins Cluster?

Speed up your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins

Speed up your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins

The Four Quadrants of DevOps Maturity

The Four Quadrants of DevOps Maturity

The Future of IDEs: Eclipse Che, The Next-Generation Eclipse IDE

The Future of IDEs: Eclipse Che, The Next-Generation Eclipse IDE

The Need For Speed: Building Pipelines To Be Faster

The Need For Speed: Building Pipelines To Be Faster

The Three Pillars Behind Continuous Security

The Three Pillars Behind Continuous Security

Thinking Inside the Container: A Continuous Delivery Story

Thinking Inside the Container: A Continuous Delivery Story

Using Jenkins for Diverse Feedback on GitHub

Using Jenkins for Diverse Feedback on GitHub

Jenkins World 2016 - Value Beyond the Bits

Jenkins World 2016 - Value Beyond the Bits

External Workspace Manager Plugin for Jenkins Pipeline

External Workspace Manager Plugin for Jenkins Pipeline

The CloudBees Network - Jenkins World 2016

The CloudBees Network - Jenkins World 2016
