ClojuTRE 2015

ClojuTRE 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-09-11
  • End date: 2015-09-11
  • Location: Tampere, Finland

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: clojure


Twitter: @clojutre

Hashtag: #clojutre

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Desktop Apps with ClojureScript

Desktop Apps with ClojureScript

Developing a multi-tenant SaaS using Clojure

Developing a multi-tenant SaaS using Clojure



Hoplon and Javelin, WebDev Alternate Reality

Hoplon and Javelin, WebDev Alternate Reality

Introduction to yada

Introduction to yada

Kekkonen - commands and queries for the web

Kekkonen - commands and queries for the web

Polyglot microservices: Comparison between Javascript, Scala and Clojure

Polyglot microservices: Comparison between Javascript, Scala and Clojure

Polymorphic Codebases

Polymorphic Codebases

Simplicity in Practice

Simplicity in Practice

The Other Data Structures

The Other Data Structures

Unknown pearls from the Clojure standard library

Unknown pearls from the Clojure standard library

Wherefore art thou LFE?

Wherefore art thou LFE?


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