Devoxx UK 2016

Devoxx UK 2016

Event information

  • Start date: 2016-06-08
  • End date: 2016-06-10
  • Location: London, England, UK

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: frontend


Twitter: @DevoxxUK

Hashtag: #DevoxxUK

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10 Building Blocks for Enterprise JavaScript Applications

10 Building Blocks for Enterprise JavaScript Applications

A Hackers Guide to Disco Calculating

A Hackers Guide to Disco Calculating

Adventures with concurrent programming in Java: A quest for predictable latency

Adventures with concurrent programming in Java: A quest for predictable latency

AI, AI, Captain - a Watson DeVoxxEd Use Case

AI, AI, Captain - a Watson DeVoxxEd Use Case

Arduino And Java With The Intel Galileo

Arduino And Java With The Intel Galileo

Are you taking your metadata seriously?

Are you taking your metadata seriously?

Arquillian Cube: Production Near Unit Tests Against Docker Images

Arquillian Cube: Production Near Unit Tests Against Docker Images

Beyond app monitoring: the new era of log analytics

Beyond app monitoring: the new era of log analytics

Book publishing for developers with Gitbook

Book publishing for developers with Gitbook

Build a recommender system using Apache Spark and Akka

Build a recommender system using Apache Spark and Akka

Building a unikernel Java Application

Building a unikernel Java Application

Building Cognitive Applications with Watson

Building Cognitive Applications with Watson

Building microservices with Vert.x

Building microservices with Vert.x

Building multiplayer game using Reactive Streams

Building multiplayer game using Reactive Streams

Busy Java Developer's Guide to Hacking in Java

Busy Java Developer's Guide to Hacking in Java

Caching 101: Caching on the JVM (and beyond)

Caching 101: Caching on the JVM (and beyond)

Cloud Native Java

Cloud Native Java

Cognitive Cynefin: How Language and Bias keep us Complicated

Cognitive Cynefin: How Language and Bias keep us Complicated

Composing Music in the Cloud

Composing Music in the Cloud

Connect and Control IOT Devices in Minutes using Voice and Analytics

Connect and Control IOT Devices in Minutes using Voice and Analytics

Containerless in the Cloud with AWS Lambda

Containerless in the Cloud with AWS Lambda

Creating a safe dev environment on a public Cloud with Docker, Jenkins, Rancher and OpenVPN

Creating a safe dev environment on a public Cloud with Docker, Jenkins, Rancher and OpenVPN

Length: 16:35
Views: 243 Likes: 0
Cybercrime and the Developer. How to start defending against the darker side of the web

Cybercrime and the Developer. How to start defending against the darker side of the web

Length: 47:50
Views: 160 Likes: 0
Dev versus Ops

Dev versus Ops

Dials to 11 - Modern Extreme Programming

Dials to 11 - Modern Extreme Programming

Docker and Kubernetes Recipes for Java Developers

Docker and Kubernetes Recipes for Java Developers

Embracing failure

Embracing failure

Everything you always wanted to know about highly available distributed databasess

Everything you always wanted to know about highly available distributed databasess

Evolving to awesome technology by focusing on value delivery

Evolving to awesome technology by focusing on value delivery

Extreme Profiling: Digging Into Hotspots

Extreme Profiling: Digging Into Hotspots

Faster Java By Adding Structs (Sort Of)

Faster Java By Adding Structs (Sort Of)

From an idea to a working prototype

From an idea to a working prototype

From object oriented to functional domain modelling

From object oriented to functional domain modelling

Full Stack Development with Java and NoSQL

Full Stack Development with Java and NoSQL

Fun never stops. Introduction to Haskell Programming language

Fun never stops. Introduction to Haskell Programming language

Future of Development Panel

Future of Development Panel

Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap

Get Hip with JHipster: Spring Boot + AngularJS + Bootstrap

Going voting - Devoxx Vote API in 4 languages

Going voting - Devoxx Vote API in 4 languages

Google Dataflow: The new open model for batch and stream processing

Google Dataflow: The new open model for batch and stream processing

Harnessing Domain Driven Design for Distributed Systems

Harnessing Domain Driven Design for Distributed Systems

How Google conquered the game of Go

How Google conquered the game of Go

How to defeat feature gluttony?

How to defeat feature gluttony?

Java 8 best practices

Java 8 best practices

Java 9 Modularity in Action

Java 9 Modularity in Action

Java Collections: The Force Awakens

Java Collections: The Force Awakens

Java, Devices and the IoT Cloud

Java, Devices and the IoT Cloud

Java EE 8 Functional Opportunities

Java EE 8 Functional Opportunities

Java on Mobile is a thing... and it's really good!

Java on Mobile is a thing... and it's really good!

Just enough app server

Just enough app server

Keeping Your CI/CD pipeline as fast as it needs to be

Keeping Your CI/CD pipeline as fast as it needs to be

Knowledge is Power: Getting out of trouble by understanding Git

Knowledge is Power: Getting out of trouble by understanding Git

Kubernetes in production - blue-green deployment, auto scaling and deployment automation

Kubernetes in production - blue-green deployment, auto scaling and deployment automation

Learning programming by osmosis

Learning programming by osmosis

Leveling up your application security program

Leveling up your application security program

Managers are from Mars, Developers are from Venus

Managers are from Mars, Developers are from Venus

Maven - Taming the Beast

Maven - Taming the Beast

Microsoft and Open Source? Microsoft and Java? Really?

Microsoft and Open Source? Microsoft and Java? Really?

Migrating 25K lines of Ant scripting to Gradle

Migrating 25K lines of Ant scripting to Gradle

Modular monoliths

Modular monoliths

Monitoring 101

Monitoring 101

Monoliths to Microservices: Transforming the architecture of Criminal Justice

Monoliths to Microservices: Transforming the architecture of Criminal Justice

Mood Driven Development

Mood Driven Development

MVC 1.0 - by Example

MVC 1.0 - by Example

My Slow Internet vs. Docker

My Slow Internet vs. Docker

Offline-first apps with Web Components

Offline-first apps with Web Components

On Polymer and smileys...or Polysmileys by Carmen Popoviciu

On Polymer and smileys...or Polysmileys by Carmen Popoviciu

Open Sesame! Conversations With My Front Door

Open Sesame! Conversations With My Front Door

Progressive apps in the Real World

Progressive apps in the Real World

Reactor 2.5, a JVM foundation for Java 8 and Reactive Streams

Reactor 2.5, a JVM foundation for Java 8 and Reactive Streams

Refactoring to Java 8

Refactoring to Java 8

REST no more, use an actor (and Lego and Raspberry Pi’s…)

REST no more, use an actor (and Lego and Raspberry Pi’s…)

Scaling Engineering by Hacking Conway's Law

Scaling Engineering by Hacking Conway's Law

Security Beyond the Libraries

Security Beyond the Libraries

Sharing code knowledge and cultural capital - when tech meets anthropology

Sharing code knowledge and cultural capital - when tech meets anthropology

SQL for JSON: Querying with Performance for NoSQL Databases & Applications

SQL for JSON: Querying with Performance for NoSQL Databases & Applications

Taking the friction out of microservice frameworks with Lagom

Taking the friction out of microservice frameworks with Lagom

Testing Apache Cassandra with Jepsen: How to Understand and Produce Safe Distributed Systems

Testing Apache Cassandra with Jepsen: How to Understand and Produce Safe Distributed Systems

The Art of Angular in 2016

The Art of Angular in 2016

The JVM and Docker, a good idea?

The JVM and Docker, a good idea?

The Myth of the Magical Messaging Fabric

The Myth of the Magical Messaging Fabric

The rise and rise of dataflow in the Javaverse

The rise and rise of dataflow in the Javaverse

The Silver Bullet Syndrome

The Silver Bullet Syndrome

To EE or not to EE Panel

To EE or not to EE Panel

Top 10 Ways to be an Ally for Women in Tech

Top 10 Ways to be an Ally for Women in Tech

What the Cult of Expertise Costs

What the Cult of Expertise Costs

Where’s my free lunch?

Where’s my free lunch?

WildFly Swarm in 15 minutes

WildFly Swarm in 15 minutes
