Rails Israel 2015

Rails Israel 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-11-24
  • End date: 2015-11-24
  • Location: Tel Aviv, Israel

Code of Conduct: not found

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: ruby rails


Twitter: @RailsIsrael

Hashtag: #RailsIsrael

Tweet this event


10 Reasons why you need Redislabs

10 Reasons why you need Redislabs

20 Actionable Tips to Secure Your Rails App

20 Actionable Tips to Secure Your Rails App

5 Hidden Gems of the Ruby Standard Library

5 Hidden Gems of the Ruby Standard Library

Cache, Rails & Redis

Cache, Rails & Redis

Dancing with Robots

Dancing with Robots

Elixir by a Rubyist

Elixir by a Rubyist

Isomorphic Server/Client Ruby with Opal

Isomorphic Server/Client Ruby with Opal

Redis For Everything

Redis For Everything

Ruby is Dead Alive!

Ruby is Dead Alive!

The Value of Being Lazy, or How I Made OpenStruct 10X Faster

The Value of Being Lazy, or How I Made OpenStruct 10X Faster

Threads and Processes

Threads and Processes

Just in Time

Just in Time


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