Rolling Scopes 2015

Rolling Scopes 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-02-01
  • End date: 2015-02-01
  • Location: Minsk, Belarus

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: javascript frontend


Twitter: @rollingscopes

Hashtag: #rollingscopes


Tweet this event


JavaScript at the speed of light.

JavaScript at the speed of light.

#RSConf Дневник. Часть первая

#RSConf Дневник. Часть первая

#RSConf Дневник. Часть третья

#RSConf Дневник. Часть третья

#RSConf Дневник. Часть вторая

#RSConf Дневник. Часть вторая

Using ECMAScript 6 today. Part I

Using ECMAScript 6 today. Part I

Using ECMAScript 6 today. Part II

Using ECMAScript 6 today. Part II

#RSConf - Ember = Angular = React, Андрей Листочкин

#RSConf - Ember = Angular = React, Андрей Листочкин

Discovering fractals with CSS.

Discovering fractals with CSS.

Why CSS was invented

Why CSS was invented

FRP with Bacon.js

FRP with Bacon.js

Aperiodic tiling.

Aperiodic tiling.

The visual web of today and tomorrow - WebGL and WebVR.

The visual web of today and tomorrow - WebGL and WebVR.
