JSConf USA 2015

JSConf USA 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-05-27
  • End date: 2015-05-29
  • Location: Amelia Island, Florida, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: javascript


Twitter: @jsconf

Hashtag: #jsconf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JsConf

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If you wish to learn ES6/2015 from scratch, you must first invent the universe

If you wish to learn ES6/2015 from scratch, you must first invent the universe

Visualizing process evolution

Visualizing process evolution

Accessibility and JS: side-by-side

Accessibility and JS: side-by-side

Maintaining a Local Dev Meetup

Maintaining a Local Dev Meetup

Async Programming in ES7

Async Programming in ES7

Altering the real world with JavaScript

Altering the real world with JavaScript

(math == art && art == code)

(math == art && art == code)

Tungsten.js: Virtual DOM + Server Rendering in a Legacy Codebase

Tungsten.js: Virtual DOM + Server Rendering in a Legacy Codebase

Pebble Timeline - A Web API For Your Wrist

Pebble Timeline - A Web API For Your Wrist

Polymer: The future of Web Components

Polymer: The future of Web Components

Zombies and Soup: Why End-to-End testing sucks (and why it doesn't have to)

Zombies and Soup: Why End-to-End testing sucks (and why it doesn't have to)

Umm... I have to do WHAT to run this code?

Umm... I have to do WHAT to run this code?

Drawing Hands: Built-ins written in JavaScript

Drawing Hands: Built-ins written in JavaScript

You Won’t Believe This One Weird Way to Rewrite Closures

You Won’t Believe This One Weird Way to Rewrite Closures

Organizational Design for Open Source

Organizational Design for Open Source

NodeBots: LIVE!

NodeBots: LIVE!

Communicate All the Things... With WebRTC!

Communicate All the Things... With WebRTC!

Mutations and Subscriptions in Relay

Mutations and Subscriptions in Relay

Headless Testing Against Real Web Browsers

Headless Testing Against Real Web Browsers

Introducing Mixed Mode

Introducing Mixed Mode

Would a sample at any other rate sound as sweet? An introduction to how our brains interpret sound

Would a sample at any other rate sound as sweet? An introduction to how our brains interpret sound

The Hybrid Backbone & React App

The Hybrid Backbone & React App

Woah, You Can Test IE & Microsoft Edge on a Mac & Linux?

Woah, You Can Test IE & Microsoft Edge on a Mac & Linux?

Beyond Responsive: Building a mobile web you're f*ing proud of

Beyond Responsive: Building a mobile web you're f*ing proud of

30 Minutes or Less: The Magic of Automated Accessibility Testing

30 Minutes or Less: The Magic of Automated Accessibility Testing

Knitting for Javascripters

Knitting for Javascripters

Nemo. The natural nodejs automation solution

Nemo. The natural nodejs automation solution

Amazing Things One Can Do With JS and the NES

Amazing Things One Can Do With JS and the NES

Parallelism experiments in JavaScript

Parallelism experiments in JavaScript

Recreating a dialup modem in javascript

Recreating a dialup modem in javascript

JavaScript Transformation

JavaScript Transformation

Building a musical instrument with the Web Audio API

Building a musical instrument with the Web Audio API

Making Relational Cool Again (or: JavaScript on ACID)

Making Relational Cool Again (or: JavaScript on ACID)

Re-examining recipe search

Re-examining recipe search
