Nodevember 2015

Nodevember 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-11-14
  • End date: 2015-11-15
  • Location: Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: nodejs javascript


Twitter: @nodevember

Hashtag: #nodevember


Tweet this event


10 weird tricks that React developers near you are using to create reusable components

10 weird tricks that React developers near you are using to create reusable components

A Telegraph To The Future Of Web Applications

A Telegraph To The Future Of Web Applications

Accessibility Debt

Accessibility Debt

Advanced Webpack

Advanced Webpack

Alternate Futures: Game-playing AI in JS

Alternate Futures: Game-playing AI in JS

Arisen from the Ashes: Phoenix.js and Websockets

Arisen from the Ashes: Phoenix.js and Websockets

Arisen from the Ashes: Phoenix.js and Websockets

Arisen from the Ashes: Phoenix.js and Websockets

Blocking Across The Wire

Blocking Across The Wire

Blocking Across The Wire

Blocking Across The Wire

Board Game JS

Board Game JS

Board Game JS

Board Game JS

Building simple Node.js microservices using Hapi and Redis

Building simple Node.js microservices using Hapi and Redis

Building Static Sites with React

Building Static Sites with React

Callback-less Asynchrony: ES6, Generators, and the next wave of JavaScript development

Callback-less Asynchrony: ES6, Generators, and the next wave of JavaScript development

ClojureScript Made Easy

ClojureScript Made Easy

ClojureScript Made Easy

ClojureScript Made Easy

Closing Keynote - Ed Finkler - Stronger than fear.

Closing Keynote - Ed Finkler - Stronger than fear.

Closing Keynote - Ed Finkler - Stronger than fear.

Closing Keynote - Ed Finkler - Stronger than fear.

Content Management and Node.js

Content Management and Node.js

Content Management and Node.js

Content Management and Node.js

Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron

Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron

Length: 30:15
Views: 28334 Likes: 327
Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron

Cross-Platform Desktop Apps with Electron

Eliminate Javascript Code Smells

Eliminate Javascript Code Smells

Exploring the Physical World with Node

Exploring the Physical World with Node

From Node n00b to not so Node n00b

From Node n00b to not so Node n00b

From Node n00b to not so Node n00b

From Node n00b to not so Node n00b

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

GraphQL and Relay

GraphQL and Relay

Instant Text

Instant Text

Instant Text

Instant Text

Into the npm installer -- How it works and where it's complex

Into the npm installer -- How it works and where it's complex

Introduction to Testing Node.js

Introduction to Testing Node.js

Intuitive 3D Math Crash Course

Intuitive 3D Math Crash Course

Intuitive 3D Math Crash Course

Intuitive 3D Math Crash Course

Keynote - Douglas Crockford - Project Seif

Keynote - Douglas Crockford - Project Seif

Keynote - Douglas Crockford - Project Seif

Keynote - Douglas Crockford - Project Seif

Keynote - Soledad Penadés

Keynote - Soledad Penadés

Making your JavaScript code debuggable

Making your JavaScript code debuggable

Native JavaScript

Native JavaScript

Nobody Wants Junior Engineers

Nobody Wants Junior Engineers

Node.js security experiments: A trip back in time.

Node.js security experiments: A trip back in time.

Node.js security experiments: A trip back in time.

Node.js security experiments: A trip back in time.

Nodevember 2015 After Party

Nodevember 2015 After Party

Nodevember 2015 Supercut

Nodevember 2015 Supercut

npm and SOA: how we use SOA, and why node is good at SOA

npm and SOA: how we use SOA, and why node is good at SOA

Nuts and Bolts of Internationalization

Nuts and Bolts of Internationalization

Opening Keynote - Yehuda Katz

Opening Keynote - Yehuda Katz

Opening Keynote - Yehuda Katz

Opening Keynote - Yehuda Katz

Orchestrating Apps by Composing Angular Directives

Orchestrating Apps by Composing Angular Directives

React Native in Production

React Native in Production

React Native in Production

React Native in Production

Reactive Composition: TodoMVC Tutorial/Lab

Reactive Composition: TodoMVC Tutorial/Lab

Redux: Simplifying Application State in JavaScript

Redux: Simplifying Application State in JavaScript

Length: 32:22
Views: 27945 Likes: 176
Redux: Simplifying Application State in JavaScript

Redux: Simplifying Application State in JavaScript

RRR - React, RethinkDB, Raspberry Pi

RRR - React, RethinkDB, Raspberry Pi

Scaling Best Practices with Syntax Trees

Scaling Best Practices with Syntax Trees

Styling React Components in JavaScript

Styling React Components in JavaScript

Sugar and Spice and everything nice about ES6

Sugar and Spice and everything nice about ES6

Taking Your Web Apps Offline

Taking Your Web Apps Offline

Telling stories with data visualization and D3

Telling stories with data visualization and D3

Testing, the way it should be.

Testing, the way it should be.

Text, yea, just render it, whatever...

Text, yea, just render it, whatever...

The communal upbringing of a Nodebotanist: How community can make or break your career.

The communal upbringing of a Nodebotanist: How community can make or break your career.

The dirty secrets of building large, highly available, scalable HTTP APIs

The dirty secrets of building large, highly available, scalable HTTP APIs

The proof is in the pudding - seneca+hapi

The proof is in the pudding - seneca+hapi

These Bots are Made for Walkin'

These Bots are Made for Walkin'

Username and Passwords are dead. Mobile ALL the thingz.

Username and Passwords are dead. Mobile ALL the thingz.

What every Node.js developer should know about Elixir

What every Node.js developer should know about Elixir

What every Node.js developer should know about Elixir

What every Node.js developer should know about Elixir
