Postgres Open 2016

Postgres Open 2016

Event information

  • Start date: 2016-09-13
  • End date: 2016-09-15
  • Location: Dallas, Texas, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: postgresql


Twitter: @postgresopen

Hashtag: #postgresopen


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CREATE INDEX ... USING RUM. RUM index and its applications to FTS.

CREATE INDEX ... USING RUM. RUM index and its applications to FTS.

Assume database credentials have leaked: Dynamic credentials...

Assume database credentials have leaked: Dynamic credentials...

Shall We Play a Game? (with CTEs)

Shall We Play a Game? (with CTEs)

JDBC performance from the inside

JDBC performance from the inside

An opinionated guide to PostgreSQL replication

An opinionated guide to PostgreSQL replication

Managing OS Provided PostgreSQL Packages

Managing OS Provided PostgreSQL Packages

Understanding Durability in Postgres

Understanding Durability in Postgres

Identifying Slow Queries and Fixing Them!

Identifying Slow Queries and Fixing Them!

A look at the Elephants trunk - PostgreSQL 9.6

A look at the Elephants trunk - PostgreSQL 9.6

PostgreSQL Backups the modern ways

PostgreSQL Backups the modern ways

Using PostgreSQL in a Small Business

Using PostgreSQL in a Small Business

Using PostGIS to Handle Geospatial Data as Vectors and Rasters

Using PostGIS to Handle Geospatial Data as Vectors and Rasters

PGLogical - the logical replication for PostgreSQL

PGLogical - the logical replication for PostgreSQL

Data Architecture with PostgreSQL

Data Architecture with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL worst practices

PostgreSQL worst practices

Locked Up: Advances in Postgres Data Encryption

Locked Up: Advances in Postgres Data Encryption

Lightning Talks

Lightning Talks

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL: New Features and Lessons Learned

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL: New Features and Lessons Learned

Administering Postgres using Docker and Openshift

Administering Postgres using Docker and Openshift

PostgreSQL with Chef & Puppet

PostgreSQL with Chef & Puppet

Flexible Indexing with Postgres

Flexible Indexing with Postgres

Non-Relational Postgres

Non-Relational Postgres

All the Big Data Sciency stuff you never knew Postgres could do

All the Big Data Sciency stuff you never knew Postgres could do

Advanced Postgres Monitoring

Advanced Postgres Monitoring

Big Data with PostgreSQL

Big Data with PostgreSQL

Diamond Keynote Address

Diamond Keynote Address

Data Analysis with PL/Python

Data Analysis with PL/Python

Bitemporal Data Model: making it happened in Postgres

Bitemporal Data Model: making it happened in Postgres

A Look at the Elephant's Tail

A Look at the Elephant's Tail

Efficiently Backing up Terabytes of Data with pgBackRest

Efficiently Backing up Terabytes of Data with pgBackRest

Reviewing PostgreSQL Patches for Fun and Profi

Reviewing PostgreSQL Patches for Fun and Profi

Elephant Herd as a Service: Managing Hundreds of Postgres Instances

Elephant Herd as a Service: Managing Hundreds of Postgres Instances

The Elephant Meets the Whale - Bringing PostgreSQL to Production on Docker

The Elephant Meets the Whale - Bringing PostgreSQL to Production on Docker

Performance Improvements in PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6 and beyond

Performance Improvements in PostgreSQL 9.5, 9.6 and beyond

Permissions in Postgres

Permissions in Postgres
