All Things Open 2015

All Things Open 2015

Event information

  • Start date: 2015-10-19
  • End date: 2015-10-20
  • Location: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Code of Conduct

No Diversity Tickets

Languages: English

Topics: devops databases bigdata javascript python


Twitter: @AllThingsOpen

Hashtag: #AllThingsOpen


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Docker: Everything you should know

Docker: Everything you should know

Teradata | The Lonely Road of SVG

Teradata | The Lonely Road of SVG

Ionic Security | How to Build your First Web App in Go

Ionic Security | How to Build your First Web App in Go

All Things Open 2015 | Bermon Painter - Cardinal Solutions | Improve your Workflow with Modular Sass

All Things Open 2015 | Bermon Painter - Cardinal Solutions | Improve your Workflow with Modular Sass

Cardinal Solutions | Improve your Workflow with Modular Sass

Cardinal Solutions | Improve your Workflow with Modular Sass

Phase2 | Performance Profiling Tools and Tricks

Phase2 | Performance Profiling Tools and Tricks

CoreOS | Application Containers Stack, RKT to Kubernetes

CoreOS | Application Containers Stack, RKT to Kubernetes

52 Inc. | Open Source for the IOS Developer

52 Inc. | Open Source for the IOS Developer

Metabahn | Building Apps without Javascript

Metabahn | Building Apps without Javascript

CallbackWomen | Consequences of an Insightful Algorithm

CallbackWomen | Consequences of an Insightful Algorithm

IBM | Building Enterprise Apps using

IBM | Building Enterprise Apps using

OpenStack Foundation | Interoperability at Openstack

OpenStack Foundation | Interoperability at Openstack

Microsoft | The ES6 for Smart Devices

Microsoft | The ES6 for Smart Devices

Facebook | React Native

Facebook | React Native

Shopify | Hostile Design

Shopify | Hostile Design

Adobe | OpenSource is Ugly: Improving UI and UX

Adobe | OpenSource is Ugly: Improving UI and UX

Ansible | Containers and Configuration Management

Ansible | Containers and Configuration Management

Tasktop | Contributing to Open Source

Tasktop | Contributing to Open Source

Wordiest | Sass 101

Wordiest | Sass 101

O'Melveny and Myers LLP | Setting your Could Free

O'Melveny and Myers LLP | Setting your Could Free

Fastly | Secure by Design

Fastly | Secure by Design

Microsoft | TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS and Node.js

Microsoft | TDD with TypeScript, AngularJS and Node.js

Heroku | Writing Modern Web Applications with the MEAN Stack

Heroku | Writing Modern Web Applications with the MEAN Stack

OpenNMS | Managing Networks in a Software Defined Future

OpenNMS | Managing Networks in a Software Defined Future

Braintree / Paypal | Beacon Squared

Braintree / Paypal | Beacon Squared

Forrester Research | Apache Cordova

Forrester Research | Apache Cordova

Pivotal Software Inc | Cloud Founder Extended Session

Pivotal Software Inc | Cloud Founder Extended Session

Applied Information Sciences | Angular 2.0

Applied Information Sciences | Angular 2.0



Keynote Panel

Keynote Panel







GitHub | Delivery Free of Charge

GitHub | Delivery Free of Charge

Github 101: An Introduction

Github 101: An Introduction

All Things Open 2015 | Lightning Talks, Hosted by

All Things Open 2015 | Lightning Talks, Hosted by

Citrix | Cloud 2.0

Citrix | Cloud 2.0

All Things Open 2015 | Mark Hinkle - Citrix | Cloud 2.0

All Things Open 2015 | Mark Hinkle - Citrix | Cloud 2.0

VMware | Openstack 101

VMware | Openstack 101

Mesosphere Inc. | Container Orchestration

Mesosphere Inc. | Container Orchestration

New York Times | The Current Messaging Landscape

New York Times | The Current Messaging Landscape

Food Fight Show / Chef | Rails Infrastructure with Chef

Food Fight Show / Chef | Rails Infrastructure with Chef

Choosing a Front End Framework

Choosing a Front End Framework



All Things Open 2015 | Pam Selle | Choosing a Javascript Framework

All Things Open 2015 | Pam Selle | Choosing a Javascript Framework

Choosing a Javascript Framework

Choosing a Javascript Framework

The Next Generation Cloud: Power of Unikernal

The Next Generation Cloud: Power of Unikernal

Cumulus Networks | Using Devops Tools Modern Data Centers

Cumulus Networks | Using Devops Tools Modern Data Centers

HashiCorp | Vagrant 101: Development Environments

HashiCorp | Vagrant 101: Development Environments

Belly | How Constraints Cultivate Growth

Belly | How Constraints Cultivate Growth

Conventional APIs

Conventional APIs

Smart Apps for Smart Devices

Smart Apps for Smart Devices

Containers and Security

Containers and Security

Universal Access. Open APIs

Universal Access. Open APIs

No Bars No Problem!

No Bars No Problem!
