Choosing the Right API Architecture

In this session you will learn about the most popular API architectures of today. You’ll learn what Dr. Roy Fielding’s REST actually is, and why it might be time to move on to newer architectures. You’ll learn a little about the JSON API specification and its relationship to REST. Then of course we’ll take a deep dive into both Netflix’s Falcor and Facebook’s GraphQL—their similarities, their differences, and their tradeoffs from an unbiased developer. At the end of this session you’ll get a practical recommendation of which API architecture to adopt for your next project, in addition to knowing the problems all modern API architectures still share with a vision of the future for our API architectures. An API will always at the center of our apps from now into the foreseeable future. A healthy API will benefit a development team immensely, but a poor API will only cost development teams. Knowing your API architectures is an important first step so you can make the best decisions from the beginning.
Length: 29:02
Views 312 Likes: 9
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
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