How to avoid JavaScript fatigue and sleep well at night

JavaScript fatigue is real. A recent survey showed that 33% of developers feel the JavaScript ecosystem is changing too fast. We regularly make satirical Medium posts and #lolsob tweets about how, as soon as we've gotten comfortable with how a tool works, someone introduces a newer, better, cooler way to do the same thing. To keep up, we could try to be a sponge and spend all our spare time at user groups, reading docs and tutorials, and working through online courses. Or we could be okay with not knowing everything, flex our critical thinking skills, learn about the core software patterns that tend to repeat themselves, and focus on value. Learning to separate the signal from the noise means we can spend less time picking tools and more time solving real problems and mastering the tools we do choose. Let's focus on these skills, so we can put down our work at the end of the day, enjoy our free time and sleep well at night.
Length: 24:59
Views 1711 Likes: 29
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
Look for other videos at Nodevember.
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