Promises are terrible; start using them!

Between callbacks and Promises, Heroku’s Node.js platform owner Hunter Loftis prefers callbacks - they’re simpler. However, he urges everyone, module authors and app developers, to adopt Promises for all their current work, so the node community can have something much better in the near future. The TC39 async/await proposal is currently at stage 3 ("Candidate"), and is scheduled for stage 4 ("Finished") by the end of November. Google's V8 team has been making progress with their draft implementation, and it may even be available behind a feature flag in node 7. With async/await, async workflows will be easier to write, read, and reason about in JavaScript - a pain that we've all felt for a long time. There will be no more need for bandaids like async, Bluebird, or co, and modern frameworks like Koa will finally be pleasant to work with. But none of this will be accessible to anyone whose apps and modules are still based on callbacks, so this talk will show how to move from callbacks, to Promises, then finally to async/await - and the future of JavaScript!
Length: 33:59
Views 1504 Likes: 23
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
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