Staying Sane (dot) JS

Developing apps with JavaScript is fun and scary in this day and age. It feels like every application we write will outlive the libraries used to write the app in... and that's not a fun feeling. Sometimes we get the impression that anything written in JavaScript today is so volatile because smart people will come up with smarter ways of solving problems, that will render solutions I write outdated about two minutes after writing it. This issue was especially brought to life when I started working at Code School. How is it possible to prepare teaching materials that might be outdated by the time they get released? Turns out there is a way and I am here to prove to you that the JavaScript language and ecosystem is still a safe bet. Although there are parts of the ecosystem changing all the time, there are techniques we can use to prepare for those changes without having to rewrite whole apps over and over again. Beginner & more advanced developers alike will draw value from this talk, as it will teach both of these groups how to collaborate in a productive manner when architecting and writing apps while getting ready for the unknown future.
Length: 32:51
Views 811 Likes: 22
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
Look for other videos at Nodevember.
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