Dockerized Node Application Pipeline. Docker/Drone/Rancher Oh My!

How LeanKit uses Docker to build, test, deploy, promote and run our Node Microservices. I will show some of the tools we use to quickly deploy and sanely manage microservices in dozens of environments. A walk through of our application pipeline * Code commit to GitHub * Drone CI build * Publish to Docker Hub and Rancher-Catalog * Deployment to Dev in Rancher * Promotion to Stage, and Production Followed up by quick tour of some of Rancher and some of it's features that we use to make this manageable * Rancher-Catalog * Rancher metadata for service-discovery
Length: 29:56
Views 335 Likes: 2
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
Look for other videos at Nodevember.
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