Arts and Sciences: Programming Music on the Web

On April 16, 1975, at one of the first meetings of the famous Homebrew Computer Club in Palo Alto, California, Steve Dompier showed off a program on his Altair 8800 that played “Fool on the Hill” on an AM radio. Thus was born the art of home computer music. In this talk we will take a look at some of the tools currently available for coding music as well as a little history to see how we got here. We will walk through the process of developing a single-page app that will take some music markup, score it visually, and play it via MIDI, possibly with animated visualization. The tool stack will include ES2015, React, Node, Express, and Chrome’s implementation of the Web MIDI API.
Length: 34:29
Views 136 Likes: 5
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
Look for other videos at Nodevember.
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