Premature Optimization: Building in Scaling The Right Way Before You Scale

OOP, MVC, MVVM, microservices, single page apps, Docker and so much more. With all the focus on properly designed apps it can be hard to tell when you're setting up good patterns or just over optimizing. Let's talk about some optimizations that save time from the start. This talk is based on many years of experience of doing projects of varies sizes, and the commonalities between the small and the big, all which helped me to lead a time to create a platform that is combustable to handle thousands of requests a minute. Some things we'll cover are: - Dev-Ops optimizations - Release flow optimizations - Dependency management - Config management - Project Structure - Platform thinking vs App thinking - Services and when to use them You should leave with some good ideas and ways to tell if you're optimizing prematurely or if you're setting up a foundation for rapid development.
Length: 38:29
Views 69 Likes: 1
Recorded on 2016-11-20 at Nodevember
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