
Repl Electric bind light, sound and poetry to the fingertips. In (end-of-buffer) a single programmer will live code music with Overtone, visuals with OpenGL Shaders and all bound together with Clojure and Emacs. Taking a common tool used widely for programming and emphasising its power and feedback in coding live. No other hardware or midi devices are used, just a text interface to a computer. Demonstrating the power of programming and the control and expression we wield in our fingertips. Embracing an open model all the performance source is open-source and free for all to see and play: https://github.com/repl-electric.
Length: 14:25
Views 1936 Likes: 41
Recorded on 2015-09-11 at ClojuTRE
Look for other videos at ClojuTRE.
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