A Telegraph To The Future Of Web Applications

Derick Bailey The future of the web is found in technology as old as paper, as revolutionary as the telegraph, and as unique as a fast food restaurant: messaging. In the real world, messages are used to coordinated activities, make things happen and send back results. They’re everywhere in our daily lives - and on the web! From HTTP to AJAX with XML and JSON documents, to Web Workers and iFrames, to scaling the back-end of Node.js and other servers with ease, web development is steeped in the communication patterns that we use every day. It’s time, then, to recognize messaging for what it is: the past, present and future of the web! In this session, you’ll learn what messaging is and how messaging patterns are part of your work, already. You’ll see the benefit of making these implicit patterns explicit in your code. And, you’ll learn how messaging can take your architecture from a flock of seagull’s screaching “MINE! MINE! MINE!”, to a highly trained and coordinated team.
Length: 28:16
Views 514 Likes: 9
Recorded on 2015-11-14 at Nodevember
Look for other videos at Nodevember.
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