Introducing Open Source Hardware, OSHWA NL

Introducing Open Source Hardware Association Netherlands (OSHWA-NL)

Hardware electronics are becoming ever cheaper and more ubiquitous, as the tremendous hype and growth of Internet of Things, Smart Products and DIY electronics take place. We see that Free & Open Source Software is not only related to the traditional desktop computers and servers anymore, but also translates to the software we run on our smartphones, tablets, wearables, home appliances; pretty much in all products we have around us now or in the near future. Therefor, the question arises if the samen 'free and open' values of software translate to hardware and which benefits these could bring to the newly developing hardware paradigm.

The recently initiated Open Source Hardware Association Netherlands (OSHWA-NL) answers this question by becoming the 'go-to place' for Open Hardware in The Netherlands. As a Branch of the US-based OSHWA, OSHWA-NL educates about, encourages the development and use of and contributes to events related to Open Hardware.

This talk will give an overview of the initial founding principles and goals of OSHWA-NL and invite everyone present to contribute by sharing ideas and adding value to this community-based initiative.

Length: 44:00
Views 57 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2015-11-28 at T-DOSE
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