Brace yourself from an automation death trap

We all in the voyage to test effectively always think about test automation & let me tell you, its no less crucial & important than production app code. Its a code/framework/architecture built to test your app code and catch some of app defects. This when placed in an eco-system of continuous integration & deployment takes a next level of importance. I have been fortunate enough to have had my share of failures & eventually learn out of it while automating. In this session, I wish to take my audience through the importance of automation in Agile, the essentials to think of while deciding the tools and also take some tangible take-aways while writing automation code. The take-aways will be some technical inputs which have immensely helped me to build flexible frameworks for delivery of enterprise products. The aspects this take-aways will touch are on the pressings issues an automation tester face around test data management, code modularization, defining the clarity on responsibilities of different modules/classes written in an automation framework. This session will be a good dialogue supported with some live demos for better understanding & overall making us think to stay away from the obvious failures. More details: Conference:
Length: 43:17
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Recorded on 2016-06-24 at Selenium Conf India
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