Let's get real (time): Server-Sent Events, WebSockets and WebRTC for the soul

When it comes to delivering a fast, near real-time UX, the traditional AJAX techniques have several short-comings. Polling creates additional HTTP overhead, is prone to latency issues and long polling is at best a hack. And don't we all love hate hacks! With Server Sent Events, you can push data to the app whenever it's available, WebSockets are in fact bi-directional, full-duplex. With this understanding, we will look at Server-Sent Events, WebSockets & WebRTC from a browser and server perspective. We will also look at all pieces we need to fit in, to get the big picture. Agenda Concepts and app Integration with: Server Sent Events WebSockets WebRTC Related Open Source projects Further reading, and opportunities to contribute and create Hopefully questions Key Takeaways You will: Learn the involved concepts See relevant code from popular open source projects Know where to look for further reading Have fun!
Length: 31:29
Views 529 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2014-03-22 at RubyConf India
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