Facepalm to Foolproof: Avoiding Common Production Pitfalls

Facepalm to Foolproof: Avoiding Common Production Pitfalls by Jon McCartie "WTF asset pipeline?" "What are all these errors?" "Why is my app running so slow?" If you're new to Rails development, or just want some tips on deploying and running in production, this is the talk for you. Relying on real-world experience as part of the Heroku support team, we'll talk through common issues (and a few funny ones) we see when people take their "but it works in development!" app to a production environment. Help us caption & translate this video! http://amara.org/v/JUpI/
Length: 30:39
Views 866 Likes: 15
Recorded on 2016-05-04 at Rails Conf
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