Morning Keynote- The Road Forward - Tracy Hinds

Morning Keynote- The Road Forward - Tracy Hinds "In OSS and the Node.js project, we ask of total strangers to collaborate on a project that we all benefit from. In order for them to feel welcomed and stick around, they should feel like they belong. To create that sense of welcome, barriers to access and biases must be surfaced. People must feel safe enough to contribute. An inclusive, open-source community will result in better code from a more diverse range of developers. We are making up for a lot of lost time due to systemic failures and biases.​ In order to actualize this change, ​​it should be reflected in representation at every level of leadership in Node.js. We lead by example. This means finding champions within the ​B​oard, within leadership of the working groups, and with role model developers in the community.​ ​We'd like to talk about how every person in the community can contribute to this, feel a sense of ownership in the community, and see a road forward."
Length: 34:59
Views 225 Likes: 1
Recorded on 2016-11-29 at Node Interactive
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