JSON Powered Forms

We're all really tired of writing the same code for every form. You need a label here and an input here and make sure their IDs are the same and unique and now you want me to add validation!? Daah! I got fed up with this pretty quick and found that I enjoy writing JavaScript a lot more than repeating myself with HTML. If you're like me, then you'll love angular-formly. In this talk, we'll see how you can very easily represent your model with a form using a few lines of JavaScript. You want validation, conditional fields, or custom templates? You need to react to changes to a field? Piece of cake. So come on, and let's make fields less painful and more delightful. Slides: http://slides.com/kentcdodds/angular-formly
Length: 42:13
Views 7848 Likes: 38
Recorded on 2015-02-13 at NG-NL
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