Feature toggles and graphs for better deployments

Feature toggles (a.k.a flippers, switches, flags etc.) are a useful tool for avoiding large, difficult to merge feature branches, improving user acceptance testing, and for reducing the risk of rolling out features. Surprisingly, there was no Perl module to do this - until now! CV-Library have shamelessly ported the Ruby library "rollout", and released it to CPAN as "Toggle". This talk will explain the various ways of using feature toggles, and illustrate this with real-world examples of how it made our lives easier. In particular, we will show how we combined incremental rollouts with detailed statsd/graphite monitoring, to catch regressions before they affected all users. See: - http://martinfowler.com/bliki/FeatureToggle.html - https://metacpan.org/pod/distribution/Toggle/lib/Toggle.pod
Length: 51:36
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Recorded on 2014-11-08 at London Perl Workshop
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