Functional programming and curry cooking in JS

Are you interested in learning about functional programming? Are you reaching the limits of abstraction when programming in JavaScript? Do you sometimes find yourself lost in a forest of callbacks? In this talk we explore functional programming concepts, which help us create powerful abstractions to master complex problems and create more simple and elegant programs. JavaScript allows us to ease into the functional programming style, letting us focus just on the concepts, without the distraction of learning a specific functional programming language. To make the dry functional programming concepts more digestible, we use cooking as an analogy. And since the logician Haskell Curry invented functional programming, we combine our journey in JavaScript with examples and recipes for tasty curry dishes. So even if you get stuck on concepts like higher order functions, continuation passing style or monads, you will at least not go home hungry. Intro music by @halfbyte
Length: 26:53
Views 3835 Likes: 50
Recorded on 2015-09-25 at JSConf Europe
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