Performance Profiling for V8

Do you care about performance? Memory leaks, megamorphic cache misses, garbage collection jank, and deoptimizations can slow your app down. Chrome’s JavaScript engine, V8, ships with its own profiling tools that can identify such problems. We’ll dive deep into the inner workings of V8 to better understand what these terms mean - and how to avoid them. You’ll learn to identify and fix low-level JavaScript performance issues using several V8 developer tools. Franziska is a software engineer at Google Germany. She works on the Chrome V8 team, focusing on anything related to Node.js. She regularly teaches Node.js courses at the International Summer University for Women in Informatics and is a former organizer of the PHP User Group Munich. JSConf.Asia - Capitol Theatre, Singapore - 26 November 2016. Source: Slides: License: For reuse of this video under a more permissive license please get in touch with us. The speakers retain the copyright for their performances.
Length: 27:37
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Recorded on 2016-11-25 at JSConf Asia
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