Sympathy for Data

Sympathy for Data is a visual dataflow programming platform for data analysis written in Python. It was initially developed within an enterprise environment and is now released as free software/open source. We will describe how and why the software was sold in to management and company lawyers to allow us to avoid proprietary lock-in of the software. There are several competing products in the market aimed at business intelligence (BI) but we did not find that any of these were suitable for scientific engineering problems. BI-tools usually work with SQL-databases and tabular data which is a serious limitation. The technical choices behind the design of Sympathy for Data are to be motivated. Sympathy for Data is currently powering a couple of demanding applications for data processing, modelling and prediction within an enterprise context. We are going to talk about these applications and show a short demonstration of the platform in action. Download video:
Length: 46:23
Views 124 Likes: 3
Recorded on 2014-10-31 at FSCONS
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