WhatRTC? Connecting browsers to the world

http://front-trends.com/ Traditionally browsers talk to servers, but what if they could speak to each other? WebRTC is a small set of APIs that make peer to peer communication possible between browsers. Video, audio and data can flow from browser to browser opening up a new set of possibilities for the web. We’ll take a look at what WebRTC gives you and, importantly, what it leaves out. We’ll cover implementing a simple chat application and speculate over more complicated use cases and examples. I’ll also demo new real-time video infrastructure based on WebRTC. Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/philnash/whatrtc-everything-you-need-to-know-to-connect-browsers-to-the-world-front-trends-2015
Length: 34:51
Views 266 Likes: 4
Recorded on 2015-05-06 at Front-Trends
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