Service Workers Internals

Rich offline experiences, periodic background syncs, push notifications— functionality that would normally require a native application—are coming to the web. Service workers provide the technical foundation that all these features will rely on. Service worker is collection of APIs, that come together to give web applications a set of new and richer capabilities that brings it on par and in cases like offline support trumps over native capabilities. In Drupal Ecosystem this is still unexplored. In this session we will dig into the foundations of services workers api with demos and code walk throughs. Also we will do a deep dive into internals to see how we can use it with Drupal 8 for a rich user experience. OutLine of this session - Service Worker Standalone Background and capabilities Set up for your application Service workers - LifeCycle Updating a Service worker Browser Compatibility Demos - To show what we can do using service workers api Implementing push notifications Offline Web Experience Background Sync Integration possibilities with Drupal 8. P.S -- There was lot of excitement in Service workers BoF that happened in Drupalcon Asia Audience Level - This session would be a mixed beginner and intermidiate level.
Length: 01:03:11
Views 262 Likes: 3
Recorded on 2016-05-09 at DrupalCon New Orleans
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