Drupal 8 Kickstart

Highlighting key Drupal 8 concepts, this fast-paced session shows what a developer should understand to dive into a Drupal 8 site. This session lays out for intermediate and advanced Drupal developers where to expand their knowledge to include PHP OOP, Symfony, and new Drupal 8 concepts and coding requirements. See where and how to integrate a custom module in Drupal 8. When this presentation is complete the developer will have a solid mental roadmap of Drupal 8. Drupal 8 Kickstart provides a look at these aspects of Drupal 8: - Overview of Drupal 8 Ecosystem - Composer, Drush, Drupal Console - Site directory structure - Module structure - Yaml (.yml) files - How Symfony fits in - PHP OOP: Interfaces, abstract classes, classes, traits - Annotations and Comments - Dependency injection - Services - Bootstrap flow - Events - Routing and controllers - Caching, Caching a Render Array - Render Array - CMI - Hooks (Are Events) in Drupal 8 - Valuable changes to know - Drupal Module Upgrader - More Resources Aimed directly at busy Drupal developers who need to catch up now on Drupal 8.
Length: 01:01:34
Views 649 Likes: 9
Recorded on 2016-05-09 at DrupalCon New Orleans
Look for other videos at DrupalCon New Orleans.
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