Amazing User Experiences with Drupal and Ember

When we combine Drupal 8's strong extensibility with Ember's strong conventions, something magic happens: we get Drupal sites that can be seamlessly extended into the browser, with access to a deep ecosystem of Ember addons that deliver amazing experiences out-of-the-box. All without writing any glue code. See Drupal like you haven't seen it before, with gorgeous inter-page animations, Service Worker-driven offline capabilities, and in-site authoring tools with instant preview across multiple device sizes. A Javascript-curious Drupal developer should be able to come away from this session and add new capabilities to their existing D8 site that will make people say "Wow!" Prerequisites: intermediate experience as a Drupal developer, basic familiarity with Javascript, and a willingness to rethink the boundaries of what Drupal can be. Topics presented: Why Javascript circa 2016 is nothing like Javascript circa 2006, and the opportunites this creates. What is Ember and the Ember community? (We have a lot in common with the Drupal community!) Demo of new open source modules to easily integrate Ember into a Drupal site, with the ability to gradually and progressively move small pieces of functionality from PHP to Javascript, while still taking advantage of a persistent, in-browser application. Walkthrough of extending a D8 site to show off animation, interactive editing, and offline capabilities (all source code provided).
Length: 45:04
Views 3238 Likes: 52
Recorded on 2016-05-09 at DrupalCon New Orleans
Look for other videos at DrupalCon New Orleans.
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