CDNs - more than just performance improvement

Synopsis for Fastly Showcase Session: We all know that performance is critical for any site, and Drupal is no exception.  CDNs are known for improving performance, but did you know that they also play a significant role in maintaining uptime, providing security and can even serve content to your users during outages? We have put together a panel to answer your questions around performance, security, uptime and any other related topics of interest. By leveraging key features such as instant purging, request collapsing, and origin shield, the sites and services significantly reduced origin load. PANEL: David Strauss, CTO | Pantheon Rudy Grigar, Infrastructure Manager | Drupal Association Leon Brocard, Sales Engineer | Fastly
Length: 47:56
Views 125 Likes: 1
Recorded on 2016-09-26 at DrupalCon Dublin
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