The Bootiful Microservice (French)

We get it already! Microservices help you build smaller, singly-focused services, quicker. They scale out. They’re more agile because individual teams can deliver them at their own pace. They work well in the cloud because they’re smaller, and benefit from elastic, horizontal scaling. But what about the complexity? There’s a cost associated with adding services and coordinating the interactions between them. In this talk, we’ll look at Spring Cloud, which builds atop Spring Boot and the Netflix OSS stack, and see how it lets you easily integrate service-discovery, security, reliability patterns like the circuit breaker, and centralized and journaled property configuration (and more) to more quickly build microservices that scale. Join Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long to find out what Netflix, Alibaba, Ticketmaster, and countless other organizations already know: Spring Cloud handles the non-functional requirements associated with adopting microservices to enable them to progress quickly.
Length: 48:01
Views 5898 Likes: 71
Recorded on 2016-04-20 at Devoxx France
Look for other videos at Devoxx France.
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