Refactoring to Functional

How many times have been told how functional programming is so much better than imperative, and then being presented with a functional approach to calculating a fibonacci sequence, leaving you wondering how that can be even remotely useful when working in real world applications? Yep, we’ve all been there. It seems that every time someone wants to explain functional programming to us, it’s around how to solve some mathematical problem. But how does that provide us value? How do we deal with things like loose coupling or dependency injection? Join this journey where we’ll look at code we usually write when developing business applications and how to refactor this using functional paradigms, and more importantly, see if these provide us with any value. Author: Hadi Hariri Hadi Hariri is a developer, speaker, podcaster and Technical Evangelist at JetBrains. His passions include software architecture and web development. Book author and frequent contributor to developer publications, Hadi has been speaking at industry events for over a decade. He is based in Spain where he lives with his wife and three sons, and runs the .NET Malaga User Group. He is also an ASP.NET MVP and ASP.NET Insider.
Length: 47:48
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Recorded on 2015-04-09 at Devoxx France
Look for other videos at Devoxx France.
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