Can't You Just Make It More like Bootstrap?

Origami is the Financial Times' component system (, it has components made written in Sass and JavaScript and several tools (a CDN, a CLI etc) to help people use those components. “Can't you just make it more like Bootstrap” is something one of the developers here said to me when I was doing some user research on how to improve Origami for our internal users (ie other developers) This talk will cover the difficulties with creating such a system, and getting it adopted by a company with over 60 websites (not just!) many of which are written in legacy technologies, with deployment cycles of 'monthly' if you're lucky. It will include some (hopefully relatable, but at least interesting) war stories from getting Origami adopted, and getting funding for a team to actually maintain it. This talk will explore decisions made by the Origami team, and contrast them with decisions made by other companies (eg lonely planet, when implementing their own pattern libraries / component systems. Hopefully this exploration through other solutions will stop this talk from being too Financial Times focussed, which I don't think is especially interesting for the audience, and keep it relatable. By the end of the talk, the listener should understand a bit about how large companies like the FT deal with front end development at scale, and they will hopefully have some ideas about front end architectures to take back to their own worlds.
Length: 25:46
Views 456 Likes: 8
Recorded on 2016-08-03 at CascadiaFest
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FrontEnd components tools Origami Financial Times Bootstrap