Everyday Matters

When was the last time you drew every day? In art school? In high school? In pre-school? What if you could get back into that habit, filling sketchbooks with ideas and observations, expressing yourself, stifling your inner critic, having fun, making stuff? Danny Gregory will inspire you with his own story of creative discovery — how he began drawing again in his mid thirties, keeping an illustrated journal of his day-to-day life, and how this practice opened him up to all sorts of new experiences and discoveries. His example, his books and his website have inspired many thousands of people around the world to rediscover their own creative spark. His first illustrated memoir “Everyday Matters” lent its name to a movement that now includes professional and amateur artists around the world who document and share their lives through drawing and writing. --------------- Talk & speaker bio: https://beyondtellerrand.com/events/berlin-2016/speakers/danny-gregory MORE INFORMATION Watch this little recap video to get an impression how beyond tellerrand events look like: http://vimeo.com/69823900 Information about beyond tellerrand: http://beyondtellerrand.com/ http://twitter.com/btconf
Length: 01:00:11
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Recorded on 2016-05-09 at Beyond Tellerrand
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