Tero Parviainen - Reactive Music Apps in Angular 2 and ngrx/store | AngularUP 2016

www.angular-up.com Brought to you by 500Tech and the community @AngularUP Tero Parviainen - Reactive Music Apps in Angular 2 and ngrx/store Angular 2 combined with RxJS, @ngrx/store, and Immutable.js is a fantastic platform for reactive web applications. If we then add hot loading and the Web Audio API to the mix, we have something truly exciting: A platform for reactive music creation. This talk is about creating musical systems on the Angular platform. We’ll see how we can model an asynchronous process that generates music right there in the browser and allows the user to control it on the fly. It’s a really enjoyable way to learn reactive Angular application development.
Length: 29:12
Views 328 Likes: 5
Recorded on 2016-11-17 at Angular Up
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