To Estimate or #NoEstimates, That is the Question

The #NoEstmates twitter hashtag was intended by Woody Zuill "..for the topic of exploring alternatives to estimates [of time, effort, cost] for making decisions in software development. That is, ways to make decisions with ‘No Estimates’." Based on twitter traffic it has been successful at generating activity. It's a bit debatable as to whether it has really spawned much exploration. In this talk Todd will actually do some exploration using real data from over 50 projects at companies ranging from startups to large enterprises. In addition to the analysis of the data, Todd was able to build a simulation model of the software development process to both replicate the data to and explore the conditions under which estimates add value and when they do not. Based on the findings from the data and the simulations, along with an analysis of the types of business decisions that organizations need to make, Todd will provide some pragmatic advice for estimators and #NoEstimators alike.
Length: 46:23
Views 76 Likes: 2
Recorded on 2016-03-14 at Agile India
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