ChatOps at GitHub

Hubot, GitHub's open source chat bot, is completely revolutionizing how we do ops at GitHub. Automating deployment, graphing, monitoring, provisioning, tweeting, and many other things with Hubot has enabled and enhanced our culture of remote work. We're standardizing how we interact with the applications and servers that run GitHub by continuously expanding our library of Hubot commands that any GitHubber can run in multiple Campfire chat rooms. Interacting with Hubot in the middle other of conversations has increased our awareness of what other GitHubbers are working on and the speed at which new team members learn common practices. In this talk, I'll give examples of how we deploy and interact with via Hubot, describe benefits we've seen from this approach, and describe how you can bring ChatOps into your daily workflow.
Length: 36:27
Views 19994 Likes: 97
Recorded on 2013-02-07 at Rubyfuza
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