Design without designers

Velvet Creative Alliance DESIGN CONSULTANT Amid is a designer who is primarily focused on exploring ways to apply design approach and culture to a broader range of disciplines. Currently a design lead at Velvet, he is also a co-founder of Velvet Academy and an Associate Professor of Interaction Design at Estonian Academy of Art. Previously he was part of the design and innovation firm IDEO, He has also worked as a designer at Google's Android and Microsoft’s Bing teams. DESIGN WITHOUT DESIGNERS UX & DESIGN Design is way more important to be only left to people who call themselves designers. Today design still misses to create the bigger impact it is capable of, mainly because designers have made everyone believe that design is a very specialised field that only they can do. But what happens when we believe everyone can be a designer and let anyone be involved in the design process? Let’s look into cases where we as designers left design to the others and let’s share some stories about teaching design to non-designers. The goal with this talk is to inspire anyone from developers to marketing and management teams to approach things like designers!
Length: 38:35
Views 84 Likes: 0
Recorded on 2016-09-09 at Refresh
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