The communal upbringing of a Nodebotanist: How community can make or break your career.

Kassandra Perch There are high points and low points to any career, but I think we can all agree very few of us work in a total vaccuum; using only code we and our teammates write, learning only by reading books, etc. At some point, you’ll read a blog post, use an open-source library. We learn how to pull request, we share our side-projects: rarely anymore is our work entirely secluded from public eye.</p><p>The implications of this are more staggering than you’d think.</p><p>This talk is about how our interactions with each other as people on the internet shape the world and culture we work in on a daily basis. It’s about how we are encourging or destroying the next big thing– and what we can do to improve our chances. I’ll use anecdotes from my own career, and stories borrowed with permission from others, to illustrate how we can change our culture, because we shape it with every interaction we have.</p>
Length: 22:06
Views 7844 Likes: 9
Recorded on 2015-11-14 at Nodevember
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