Sugar and Spice and everything nice about ES6

Ben Ilegbodu <p>ECMAScript 6 is the new version of JavaScript making its way into our modern browsers and interpreters. Some of its features appear to be no more than a little syntax sugar — making development we already do in JavaScript a bit easier. Others add brand new functionality long missing in JavaScript, which allow us to spice up our code without having to include yet another library.</p><p>Experience with JavaScript will help you get the most out of this session, but you don’t have to be a JS ninja to leave confident to begin using ES6 right now. Let’s walk through all the sugar and spice of ES6 and what makes it just so nice. Along the way, you’ll learn about arrow functions, modules, rest parameters, and other features. We’ll also see strategies for how we can circumvent that pesky issue of cross-browser compatibility. Oh, and don’t worry if you didn’t understand any of those terms — you will after the session.</p>
Length: 38:06
Views 637 Likes: 10
Recorded on 2015-11-14 at Nodevember
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